Jeremy Daniele
Keep calm and trust the scientific method
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Name: Jeremy Daniele
Age: 37
Occupation: Technical Support Engineer

January 5, 2016:
Dear John Q. Public,

This phrase I hear from time to time needs to stop being used. This phrase is, "computer illiterate" which from what I'm told means you don't understand computers. These two words do not go together and do not makes sense in the American English language when used this way. I did take the time to how ever to explain why this doesn't work.

The following are definitions of each word from the Oxford Dictionary:

An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

Unable to read or write.

So to conclude what you're actually saying is the following:
I'm an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program that's unable to read or write.

Thank you that is all :)

April 4, 2013:
We here in Brick, NJ finally have our own Harlem Shake video :)

April 5, 2006:
Domain registered

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